When it comes to weight loss there is no end to the number of weight loss gimmicks, tricks, pills, diets and equipment (for example the shake weight pictured below - I had to put this video in my blog... it makes me laugh every time ha ha ha). So today we are going to talk about some way, beyond diet and exercises, you can help aid your weight loss. We are going to talk about the good ways, massage therapy, acupuncture, etc. and the crazy (and dangerous) things people try, like the feeding tube diet to lose weight.

Anywho, serious face back on. There is no easy way to lose weight, it takes planning and dedication with both nutrition and physical activity but there are ways you can help accelerate your weight loss while keeping yourself happy and healthy. The 'Good' ways to help yourself lose weight are listed below - my personal favourite being massage therapy:
The Good:
Now lets look at some of the bad. The methods listed in this article claiming to help lose weight are unhealthy, ineffective and potentially very dangerous to your health. Read up on these and educate yourself so you can go forth and educate others so no one uses these methods!... This article is also good for a laugh because really... who is stupid enough to try some of these things (#6 for example)?!
The Bad and The 'Are you kidding me?!':
Remember there is no trick to losing weight. It takes a healthy, nutritios diet and ample physical activity (of course reading my blog won't hurt either)!
I'm off now for the long weekend. I hope everyone has a happy, healthy and safe end of the summer and I'll talk you again Tuesday!
Stay Healthy!
Andrea :)
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