
Welcome to Andrea’s Fitness and Art blog! I started this blog to share with you three of my passions - Fitness, art and dress making. I'm a personal trainer by day and artist and seamstress by night and I'm one of the few people that gets to work on what they are passionate about everyday.

In this blog I'll be sharing with you delicious healthy recipes, workout tips to help you get the most out of your workouts and healthy living ideas to make sure you are as healthy as you can be in all areas of your life. I will also be sharing pictures of my art and dress making for those of you interested in that.

Thank you for visiting my blog and if you have any questions, comments, ideas or recipes please post or drop me a line!

Andrea :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Little Reminder of How Beautiful You Are!

Happy Hump Day!

We're going to make it through the week, we're almost there! The first picture today is a reminder that the scale does not determine how gorgeous, funny, smart and sexy you are (I love pin up girls). And the send picture show just how much the standard of beauty changes over time and that it is a very fickle thing. So love the body you've got and work to make it as healthy as possible so it lasts along time!

Stay Healthy!
Andrea :)

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