So here are some of the many reasons (from yourtango.com) why its time to love your body, no matter what.
1. Showering your body with loving thoughts because its listening! Think of your body as having ears because it is a part of your subconscious mind. By projecting negative thoughts on to your body, you are actually reinforcing the very root of your weight issue. The reason most people gain weight is because they fill themselves with food to make up for a lack of love. Showering your body with loving thoughts is the best diet you can go on. You feel better, your body feels good and with regular loving practise it becomes the body you truly love even if it remains the same shape or size.
2. Loving your body does not require you to be perfectly happy with every aspect of it. It simply means you are in rapport with your body, grateful for the amazing gift that it is, and appreciative for the many pleasures it offers. When you love your body you will feel good about who you are, and you'll feel more attractive, all of which will help your inner light shine more brightly.
3. Consider all that your body has done for you in the past and the present, and all that you are hoping it will provide for your future. Loving your body involves so much more than "how you look" and whether you should lose a few pounds.
4. When you love your body you are more likely to nurture it in a way that is healthy for the body, mind and spirit. You exude a healthier, more accepting energy that allows you to be more playful, fun-loving and encouraging to not only yourself but those around you. You take the time to care of it - eating right, exercising, and sleeping properly because you realise how special and strong your body is.
5. When you're critical and judgemental about your body, it can easily attract other negativity into your life, including negative people. These interactions cause negative emotions which release chemicals into our bodies that often lead to illness. We all know the saying 'Birds of a feather..." think positively and positivity will find you! The more you accept and love your body, the more you'll tend to create a positive environment.
6. It's important to love your body because it can act as your own personal wellness coach! When you love it by listening to it, it warns you when you are stressed, coming down with something, upset or angry. It helps identify when you are happy, engaged or at peace. This knowing allows you reduce what drains you and integrate more peace and joy into your life to feel like you are thriving again.
7. You can love your body without liking every part of it. If you don't like a part of your body (and it can be changed), then change it. IF it is something you can not change (i.e width of hips or scar from c-section), work to accept and eventually love it.
8. Our body is what carries us through this wonderful life. Be excited in the fact that you have a healthy body that allows you to do all of the things that you want to do. Cherish it, take care of it and most of all, love it!
9. Loving your body is contagious. When you accept, appreciate and love your body, that radiant energy is a compelling aphrodisiac and makes it a delight for your partner to also love your body in every sense. And there are also the young women and girls in your life. By loving your body you will show them by example how to do the same.
Use it, Love it for all of these reasons and a million more. I hope this has helped you love your body just a little bit more. And remember it can take some practise to turn off the negative thoughts (I hate my thighs, I have arm jiggle, etc.) but you can do it!
Stay Healthy!
Andrea :)