
Welcome to Andrea’s Fitness and Art blog! I started this blog to share with you three of my passions - Fitness, art and dress making. I'm a personal trainer by day and artist and seamstress by night and I'm one of the few people that gets to work on what they are passionate about everyday.

In this blog I'll be sharing with you delicious healthy recipes, workout tips to help you get the most out of your workouts and healthy living ideas to make sure you are as healthy as you can be in all areas of your life. I will also be sharing pictures of my art and dress making for those of you interested in that.

Thank you for visiting my blog and if you have any questions, comments, ideas or recipes please post or drop me a line!

Andrea :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

23 1/2 Hours by Dr. Mike Evans

Hi Everyone!

Some of you may know I'm going through training right now to be a volunteer with Kingston Gets Active so I can help spread the news about the importnace of people getting their buns off of the couch! During my training they showed us a really great video about the the scientifically proven effects of excerise. So now I'm passing this video on to you as homework! Yay homework!

Its actually only a few minutes long (I think 9 minutes maybe) but definitely worth watching. And if nothing else it will show you some mind blowing statistics!

23 1/4 Hours by Dr. Mike Evans

Andrea :)

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