I found this article online and it is a great illustration of why your need to have the right mindset if you truly want to reach your goals. Have a read through this article and decide what you want to do and how your going to get there.
I’ve seen it said time and time again that losing it is 90% about the food and 10% about the exercise. I agree with that. But before that, and all during that, it’s also 100% about your mind. You decide. If you think you can change and make better choices, then odds are you can. If you decide you can’t, then odds are you aren’t going to make it very far this go around. Maybe you do better the next time around.
And you know, in sharp detail, what hasn’t worked for you already. Now you just have to find out what will work for you and stick to it. I like to think of a quote I read somewhere years ago. It was some famous inventor and they asked him about why he didn’t just give up after 100 failed tries at inventing something or other. He said that he hadn’t failed 100 times, but that he had discovered 100 ways that it wouldn’t work. You’ve already put in the time figuring out ways it hasn’t worked for you… why not finish it up and find the way that it will? Try #101 might be the right way!
You decide. You decide what motivates you. You decide what goes in your mouth. You decide to walk more than you need to in order to get to class, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. You decide to continue as you are, or to make a change, and keep making changes until you get it right for you. And keep it right until you get to where you want to be. You decide that you will become someone who has willpower, who doesn’t bargain her way out of commitments, maybe who isn’t only motivated by fear but by love… the love you can let yourself have for yourself when you start changing into the person you REALLY want to be.
You get to decide every single day. So, who will you be when you wake up today?

Stay Healthy!
Andrea :)
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